General Information

Contact information

For all matters regarding the scientific conference program email:

For all matters regarding the conference organization email:

For all matters registration or payment email:

Telephone number Travelteam: +46 10 188 25 00

Conference secretariat and registration

We will meet you at the registration desk wich is located in the foyer in the Concert Hall.


Thursday the 5th September – 14.30 – 20.00
Friday the 6th September – 08.00 – 16.00
Saturday the 7th September – 08.00 – 16.00

Online conference program book

The full program book will be available on the DPSG website and at closer to the conference.

Internet and mobile phones

  • Free Wi-Fi is available for congress participants in the venue and will be provided in the hotel and registration desk.
  • All mobile phones must be on silent mode during sessions.
  • Photography and videos during presentations – We request all participants to refrain from taking photographs or videos of presentations, unless authorized by the presenter.

We’ve worked with some of the best companies.

Conference meals

  • Welcome dinner will be on Thursday evening at 19.30, in the theater foyer in the Concert hall.
  • Coffee breaks and lunches will be served in the coffee areas in the teatre foyer (entrance floor) and in the foyer near the main Lecture Hall (1st floor).
  • Friday dinner will be served 20.00-23.00 at Örebro Castle.
  • Saturday dinner takes place at Elite Stora Hotellet at 20.00.

and all the conference meals are served in the Theatre Foyer at Örebro Concert Hall

is served in the national hall
at Örebro castle


is served in the great hall
at Elite Stora Hotellet

Safety and security

  • During the entire conference, please wear your ID badges.
  • Please do not leave bags or suitcases unattended at any time.
  • The conference center is not open for other guests, so badges are needed for entrance after thursday evening.

Activities during your stay

After the conference ends on Saturday, activities will be offered. This is booked in connection with registration for the conference.

Running/walking around Örebro

Yoga Class

Dancing Class

More information about acitivites will presented here closer to the conference.