Abstracts, posters and oral presentations

Abstract book

Abstract book is available for attendees at the meeting. Access password to the abstract book will be sent separately by confirmation email.

Abstract submission

  • Download and fill in the DPSG Abstract Form 2024
  • Send your abstracts to Pawel Gutaj, DPSG Secretarypgutaj@gmail.com Confirmation of receipt will be acknowledged.
  • The author is responsible for editing the abstracts. Abstracts without data will not be considered.
  • Abstracts will be published online (password protected) that will be mailed to registered delegates.
  • Submitting an abstract does not constitute or guarantee registration; abstract acceptance will be notified by May 30th.

Dr. Inga Rós Valgeirsdóttir is presenting her poster at DPSG 2023 in Poznan.

Oral Presentation

  • Presentations must be created in PowerPoint, format 16:9
  • We prefer that you send us your presentation at the latest the day before the planned session. Send it to email: DPSG2024@regionorebrolan.se. Please mark the email with your name and the time you are expected to give your presentation during the conference.
  • If you need to submit a late revised version of your presentation (USB stick), this should be done the day before or at the latest the same day of presentation before 08:30 at the speaker/technicians lounge. The lounge is located on the ground floor in the theater foyer besides the registration desk.
  • Technicians are present and responsible for all technology during the lectures.
  • No personal laptops may be used as it may not be compatible with the equipment on site.
  • You will be able to see your own notes in PP on the computer at stage; but not on the screen below reflecting what is shown on the wall.

Dr. Helena Backman oral presentation during DPSG 2023 in Proznan.

Poster Sessions

  • The poster sessions will take place on the first floor next to the main lecture hall (concert hall).
  • All posters must be put up by September 6th, at 8.30 a.m. The poster rooms will be open from 7.30 am. You may leave your poster on Thursday in the wardrobe on the ground floor, where the welcome dinner will be.
  • Instructions poster size: maximum height of 120 cm and width of 70 cm.
  • The posters will be attached to the poster walls using pins that will be available in the poster rooms.
  • All posters should remain attached during the whole conference and be removed on Saturday, September 7th, by 15:30.
  • Presentation time is 3 minutes. Please keep this in mind, so that the session time schedule will hold.


  • All poster will be presented in the poster roms on 1st floor, next to the main lecture hall.
SessionPostersPoster Room
GDM I (Friday)PP01-PP10Poster room I – Repsalen
PGDM (Friday)PP11-PP20Poster room II Wirénsalen
Public Health (Friday)PP21-PP30Poster room III Behrnsalen
GDM II  & Follow up (Saturday)PP31-PP46Poster room I Repsalen
Omics & Public Health (Saturday)PP47-PP62Poster room II Wirénsalen
PGDM II & Fetal Growth (Saturday)PP63-PP78Poster room III Behrnsalen
Instructions poster size: maximum height of 120 cm and width of 70 cm.